At TLC we believe in maintaining good relationships between staff and pupils, both in and out of the classroom, so ensuring an environment that is conducive to learning and to the social and personal development of pupils.
Good communication between parents and the school helps to create a well ordered atmosphere in which children will learn effectively, develop and flourish.
We believe all children at TLC should be able to come to school, to work in school, and to enjoy the playtimes in a happy and caring atmosphere, free from any intimidation or threat.
To enable this to happen we expect every child to be thoughtful and caring about others, to accept personal responsibility for his/her own behaviour, and to acknowledge the authority within the school.
We look to our parents for support in carrying this out. Our school rules, displayed in classrooms, require us to:
- Be kind to everyone
- Listen attentively when others speak
- Be the best that we can be
- Be tidy and organised
- Be friendly and welcoming to visitors
- Play nicely and mix
If rules are broken and/or school behaviour is unsatisfactory, there are well defined procedures for dealing with such problems as outlined in TLC`s Behaviour Policy.
Parents and staff are provided with full details of these rules and procedures.
TLC says No to Bullying, whether verbal or physical. We ask for all parents and pupils to help us by reporting immediately any incidents so that we can deal firmly and fairly with them, involving parents where appropriate.